Optimistically Dieting?

A little background about my weight loss journey.  I was skinny my whole life (crazy skinny - as a teen I used to pray to be heavier), then I moved out west, stopped running and packed on the pounds, prayer answered.  I gained 50 lbs in my first year of marriage.  A few years back I was fed up with being heavy and sick all the time so I started Weight Watchers and lost 50 lbs over a year, this brought me back to my goal weight.  I was able to keep at that weight until about 5-6 months ago when the holidays/life changes/home repairs hit and I was at home more often and my love of baking and cooking took hold.  I didn't gain the 50 lbs back but I do have some extra weight that I am now looking to lose.  I decided that I lost weight on Weight Watchers so I would do it again.  I rejoined about two months ago and I soon realized that their program was completely different.  I get more points than I was used to yet the amount of the points on certain foods changed.  I quit my membership to the website and was stuck, I simply didn't know what to do.  

This past weekend I started doing some research and I found the my fitness pal app.  I have a lot of friends who have successfully used this app to help them on their dieting journey so I downloaded it.  I have been using it in conjunction with Map my Walk for the last week now and I am starting to notice slight changes in myself.  I have more energy and I am noticing that I can do harder walks with a little more ease.  I know it is only day 5 of my diet/exercise regimen but I have very high hopes.  This app reminds me of what Weight Watchers used to be like, a straight forward way to keep track of your food intake.  

Another thing I have been doing in the last 6 months is staying faithful with my vitamins.  I am involved with DoTerra and I loved their products but when I tried their vitamins I became hooked.  What I like about them is how they make me feel, I am energized and I am not catching every little illness that comes my way.  I used to get every cold that came in a 1 mile radius of me and that is simply not the case anymore and the only thing I have done differently is been faithful with my vitamins.  

Some of the rules that I have decided to follow with my weight loss journey:

1) Every day is a new day! - If I fail one day, that is completely fine I can just pick up again tomorrow.  I am not going to let it get me down and ruin my week, I am going to just start fresh the next day.  One day will not make or break you!

2) Exercise as much as possible - This is something I need to definitely keep reminding myself.  The more active I am, the better I feel.  So I am going to walk as much as possible and when our remodel is done, I will start workout videos.

3) I have to WANT it - I can never get into a diet until I get really motivated.  It took me a while to get into this diet, but I really want it now.  I have gained weight and not purchased new clothes, I did that purposely as I wanted to be uncomfortable so I get myself to lose the extra weight. 

4) Don't deprive yourself - My biggest weakness is Baskin-Robbins.  I love that place so much.  So the other night I saved some extra calories and I exercised a little more and I splurged on a scoop of butter pecan.  I did eat healthy that day, I just didn't waste my calories on something I didn't need to eat (until the ice cream).

I will keep you updated on my progress, I hope this blog post finds you all well and that you are able to accomplish all of your goals.  


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