Busy but Happy!

Happy Thursday!!  Thursdays are my favorite day of the week as they are Friday-eve, and who doesn't love Friday.  I haven't posted in a while as we have been super busy lately, we are doing lots of projects and activities right now and they are consuming all of our free time. 

I have talked a lot about goals and resolutions in recent posts and I have come up with another goal, spend less time on social media.  I have been on Facebook for over 10 years, when I started on Facebook it was only for College students and you could type in what classes you were taking and it would tell you who was in your class.  It is a completely different system today, I find that as much as I love it I spend so much time reading articles that I don't care about and it is just distracting me from getting stuff accomplished (or sleeping).  So I am deleting the Facebook app from my phone.  I am not going cold turkey and deactivating my account (that would be crazy for my Facebook loving self), I am going to space out when I am on, probably only once or twice a day.  I wanted to mention this on my blog incase you wonder why I am not getting back to people as quickly or posting as much.  Even though I will be spending less time on Facebook I will try to blog more often.

Another thing that I am working on in this new year is not spending money on ITunes or Apple.  I am always constantly reading ways to save money and I realized that this is a big money waster as it is in small increments.  I will be sitting on the couch and think I really want to hear "Africa" by Toto and I will download it.  I found that I do this more than I realize and while I have a lot of good songs on my ITunes, it is a waste of money.  So my new goal is to not waste these small amounts and when I really want to make these purchases I will take the $1.29 and put it in a savings account or towards student loans.  As I was typing this paragraph someone called and my phone started playing Miley Cyrus' "Wrecking Ball", that was 99 cents that didn't need to be spent -but it is fun to hear.

I hope you are having a wonderful Friday-Eve!


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