My Avengers: Endgame takeaway (CONTAINS A SPOILER)
In the entire Avengers franchise I have only wanted to see one thing, Captain America and Peggy to somehow spend their lives together.
I had no idea how it could happen, not a clue, but it did and it was the final scene of Avengers Endgame.
The final scene of Avengers Endgame shows Steve Rogers and Peggy dancing in their living room to It's Been a Long, Long Time.
First off: That just happens to be my favorite song from the 40's (ok, I don't know a ton of 40's music but that has always been a sentimental one for me)
Second off: My husband and I often dance in our living room, so that tugged at my heart strings. Obviously, when we dance in our living room I am not that dolled up, but now I want to be. I need more 40's clothes.
Thirdly: IT HAD BEEN A LONG, LONG TIME!! So much happened for them to get to this moment, ack! All the feels!
Sorry this was a sappy sentimental post. I didn't realize that I was such a hopeless romantic until I watched Avengers: Endgame. My poor husband, I cried all the way out to our car like an idiot. Exclaiming every few feet "IT HAD BEEN A LONG TIME". But that is not the first time a Superhero Movie did that to me. (Spiderman 2)
And just to keep up with my usual number/rankings in my blogs I have added a ranking of my favorite Marvel Superheroes.
1) Spiderman (I want to be him)
2) Black Widow (Obviously)
3) Captain Marvel (Quite a gal)
4) Thor (obvious reasons)
5) Iron Man - Captain America (they are equal to me)
6) Hulk
7) Ant Man (however I have loved Paul Rudd since Clueless)
8) Hawkeye (he may be #8, but like his wife, I completely support his avenging)
I have not seen the Black Panther movie, so I couldn't list him. The rest I just didn't list.

I had no idea how it could happen, not a clue, but it did and it was the final scene of Avengers Endgame.
The final scene of Avengers Endgame shows Steve Rogers and Peggy dancing in their living room to It's Been a Long, Long Time.
First off: That just happens to be my favorite song from the 40's (ok, I don't know a ton of 40's music but that has always been a sentimental one for me)
Second off: My husband and I often dance in our living room, so that tugged at my heart strings. Obviously, when we dance in our living room I am not that dolled up, but now I want to be. I need more 40's clothes.
Thirdly: IT HAD BEEN A LONG, LONG TIME!! So much happened for them to get to this moment, ack! All the feels!
Sorry this was a sappy sentimental post. I didn't realize that I was such a hopeless romantic until I watched Avengers: Endgame. My poor husband, I cried all the way out to our car like an idiot. Exclaiming every few feet "IT HAD BEEN A LONG TIME". But that is not the first time a Superhero Movie did that to me. (Spiderman 2)
And just to keep up with my usual number/rankings in my blogs I have added a ranking of my favorite Marvel Superheroes.
1) Spiderman (I want to be him)
2) Black Widow (Obviously)
3) Captain Marvel (Quite a gal)
4) Thor (obvious reasons)
5) Iron Man - Captain America (they are equal to me)
6) Hulk
7) Ant Man (however I have loved Paul Rudd since Clueless)
8) Hawkeye (he may be #8, but like his wife, I completely support his avenging)
I have not seen the Black Panther movie, so I couldn't list him. The rest I just didn't list.
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