How did it get to be 2018?

Happy New Year!!

I know I am 19 days late on the well wishes but 2018 was a rough start in my household.
We got the flu and my husband and I were down for the count. We realized by the end of it that we haven't spent that much time together in our home since we first got married; but instead of it being a fun honeymoon busily settling into our new home it was a lot of cough syrup, chicken soup and video games.  The bright spot was I was able to introduce my husband to SNES' Zelda a Link to the Past. He had never played it!!  I know that game better than I know most things (I am a huge video game nerd) so it was fun playing it with him for the first time.

I love making New Years resolutions, and I still did that this year but I am starting them a little late.  I decided the best way to get going with my resolutions is to share them on my blog.  

1) Continue to Choose Happy:  A few years ago, I made some changes in my life and I decided to be happy and enjoy life.
I know that sounds so simple but I was stuck in a rut and I needed some changes, since then I have spent more time on myself, my family and good friends and it just gives me joy. I wake up every morning happy and look forward to my next day. My goal in the next year (and every year) is to not lose sight of that and continuing to make good choices that bring me joy. 

2) Save more money: This year I am going to go back to my $20 plan. Each week I will put $20 aside for a little extra savings. The years that I have done this I have been successful and really enjoyed it (especially at the end of the year). Last year I didn't do this and I am going to get back to it.

2.5) Home Warranty Bucket: Whenever you go to the store and they ask if you want to get the protection plan I always say no. I don't want to spend $20 for an item that costs $60. For a few years I have wanted to start a savings where whenever I am asked this I put the money in the savings as opposed to paying the store. I know that I wont get the store's plan but there is not reason for me to not save a little at the time for when I need the product again in 2-3 years. 

3) Lose Weight: In the last few years I have gained back some of the weight I lost 5 years ago, not all of it but enough to really bug me. I am starting back up with Weight Watchers, as it isn't a diet but a good lifestyle. If you have never checked it out and have some weight you want to lose, it is very simple and you can still eat food you like, just in moderation. Moderation is something I need to work on.

4) Read: I set a Goodreads goal of 50 books this year, I am on book #5 not a bad start. I am in the middle of reading through Agatha Christie's works so that will probably be the majority of this (and next) years reading. I tend to spend time reading Christie then I switch to British Medieval History then to people who escape cults and back.  I really only read a few genres.  

5) Blog: I really like doing my blog and it makes me happy that people stop by and read my randomness, so I am working harder at breaking out of my shell and doing this more.

6) New Fun Experiences: I want to do more things this year that are out of my comfort zone. I tend to be an introvert, I know you may not think that by knowing me but when left to my own devices I choose to stay home and read or play video games rather than go out and do fun things.  Last year was filled with many firsts and I am continually working to try new and fun things. There is a Murder Mystery event in a few months that I am attending alone as my husband and friends I usually do it with are busy. Going to something like that alone is completely out of my comfort zone but I am really looking forward to it. That is just one example.

I could probably keep going but those are a few of the notable resolutions that I have made. 

I hope I will be able to follow them, I will keep you updated.


  1. I love read your blog and getting to know you better. Thanks for sharing your life with us. :)


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