How did it get to be 2018?

Happy New Year!! I know I am 19 days late on the well wishes but 2018 was a rough start in my household. We got the flu and my husband and I were down for the count. We realized by the end of it that we haven't spent that much time together in our home since we first got married; but instead of it being a fun honeymoon busily settling into our new home it was a lot of cough syrup, chicken soup and video games. The bright spot was I was able to introduce my husband to SNES' Zelda a Link to the Past. He had never played it!! I know that game better than I know most things (I am a huge video game nerd) so it was fun playing it with him for the first time. I love making New Years resolutions, and I still did that this year but I am starting them a little late. I decided the best way to get going with my resolutions is to share them on my blog. 1) Continue to Choose Happy: A few years ago, I made some changes in my life and I decided to be ...