Life is short, eat off the china

This has become my new goal.

I have a long-term relationship with china (the dishes), when I was in Junior High my grandmother decided that I should pick a silverware pattern and for every birthday or Christmas she would buy me a place setting or two.  By the time I was in high school I had my entire Oneida silverware set (and I am so grateful for that to this day), and I decided that I wanted to look at Wedgwood.  My aunt recently had gotten married and I fell in love with her pattern (she is also a china lover) and I decided I wanted one just like hers.  I went online and subscribed to Wedgwood's catalog and I was probably the only high schooler in the state of Iowa that received Wedgwood's catalog in the mail.  I never did pick out a pattern until I got married as I loved them all.

I was so excited when I got engaged, not only was I marrying the man I loved but I also got to pick out a china pattern.  At the time I got married Vera Wang paired up with Wedgwood and I choose one of her patterns; Pink Duchesse, not only was I getting Wedgwood but it had a beautiful line of pink on it.  I received many place settings and put it in my china cabinet and that was that.  I never used this beautiful china.

Fast forward to today, 10 years later...

We live a busy little life, and we have adopted the bad habit of eating dinner and watching tv on the couch.  Not really a good reason to break out our china.  As a couple with no children I feel like that is an easy trap to get caught in, why sit at the table and enjoy dinner if you aren't teaching a child it is correct behavior.  So in the last month I have decided that we were going to have eat of the china nights (a few times a month).  It is a great time to sit down and talk about our day and have a nice meal on our pretty dishes.  It always ends up being a healthy meal and every once in a while you need to sit down and have something from all of the food groups.

I realized that I was saving my dishes for nothing, keeping them in a cupboard so that when I die my siblings will get it and probably not use it either.  So remember life is short, eat off your china.


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