Annual Bills and anticipating them
One of my main resolutions for 2018 was to take a long hard look at my budget and become better at anticipating expenses. Personal Budgeting one of my favorite topics, not because I excel in this area, however it is something I’m always working on getting better at. It’s a lifelong goal. I love learning how other people budget and I devour books that give me different tips and tactics on how to budget. This year I decided that I was going to make it my goal to start anticipating annual expenses better. For instance, I know that there are two times a year where I always get tripped up, late summer and Christmas. August is the month where all my annual bills come to hit me, it would've been smart if I had them all spread out but it is always August where I am hit with all my annual insurances, amazon prime, car registrations, (and occasionally a summer vacation). I always find myself in late July getting overly stressed as I check the mail and "remember" all of my annu...