What to do with the extras

Ever find yourself walking around Kohl's with $10 Kohl's cash and having no clue what to spend it on? Or having a bunch of gift cards in your wallet that you constantly forget to spend when you are at the store? Okay if you have little ones you probably haven't, but if you are like me and your only children are furry and have whiskers you may have had this problem, (I never have this problem at PetSmart). I am reminded of one instance when I spent an hour walking around Kohl's with $10 Kohl's cash and since they weren't having any really great sales and I didn't need anything I left with an ornament. A friend of mine recently pointed out a better way to spend this little bit of extra, buy something for someone in need. I felt so silly that I never thought of this, but at Christmas time you see the angel trees and it inspires to shop for others. I am definitely guilty of forgetting this at other times of the year. I donate to charities and my Church but...