We will never forget.

The words 'We will never forget' are not just a phrase but a truth. There are certain moments in human history that are always remembered. My grandparents have never forgotten where they were when Pearl Harbor was bombed or when the Hindenburg crashed. My grandmother has told me in detail her feelings the moment she heard and where she was on Sunday, December 7th, 1941. The country was filled with horror knowing that we were brutally attacked as people went to church or simply slept. My grandparents and some family members remember where they were the moment President Kennedy was shot. Regardless of political affiliation those who were alive then remember where they were and how they felt when the young handsome President, who was a symbol of our great nation was cut down in his prime. My parents remember where they were when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon. The moon that we can see on a nightly basis and seems so familiar, but is also a world away. F...