Essential Oil Love

I wrote this out about DoTerra Essential Oils recently and I thought I would share it here. When I first started using DoTerra, I really enjoyed the fun smells and all of the different CPTG blends that they offered, I didn't expect it to be more than a glorified perfume or air freshener. I quickly found out that I was mistaken. Approximately, six months ago I started using the LLV supplement pack, and my life changed for the better. I knew I needed to start taking vitamins and I thought why not try the ones DoTerra sells? Since then, my health has improved in leaps and bounds. When I used to get sick CONSTANTLY, I have made it through cold/flu season with just one three day bout of a runny nose and sore throat. The symptoms were minimized by the on guard capsules, breathe stick and breathe drops. Additionally, I have been using the Vanilla Trim Shake for the last four months and I have found that I am full of extra energy throughout the day and I know that I a...